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Past Events

A Diversity of Opinion: Race, Age, and US Foreign Policy


A conversation with polling experts during the week of the DNC in Chicago explores how factors like race and age play into Americans’ views on foreign policy.

During the week of the DNC in Chicago experts have a discussion of how factors like race and age play into Americans’ views on foreign policy.
Ana Miyares Photography

What Young Americans Think about Nuclear Weapons


Experts discuss the Council’s latest polling on nuclear issues and what more can be done to engage the next generation.

a nuclear cloud

Commentary & Analysis

Shifting US Opinions and Rising Dissent on Israel-Hamas War

Running Numbers by Devanshi Shah

Polling shows younger Americans desire a less active US role in the conflict than their elders.

People hold signs calling for a ceasefire in Gaza
Andrew Harnik / AP
Public Opinion

Despite Differences, Young Americans and Young Russians Share Similar Anxieties

Video Series
Featured Video

The Levada Analytical Center’s Stepan Goncharov joins Council Research Assistant Lama El Baz to explore recent survey findings.

Stepan Goncharov and Lama El Baz video chat Public Opinion


Americans See United States Playing Positive Role in Middle East

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Pluralities also say the United States has given Israel either the right amount or not enough military assistance and support.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu make statements to the media
Jacquelyn Martin / AP
Public Opinion

American Support for Active US Global Role Not What It Used to Be

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

While most Democrats favor taking an active part in world affairs, Republicans remain divided.

An American flag is waved outside the White House
Carolyn Kaster / AP
Public Opinion


Joshua Busby 

Nonresident Fellow, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
Nonresident Fellow, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy expert Joshua Busby

Daniel W. Drezner 

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
Council expert Daniel W. Drezner