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Past Events

Roger Thurow on Nourishing and Preserving the Planet


Senior Fellow Roger Thurow joins members of the Council community for a discussion on his upcoming book, international farming stories, and more.

A boy shows freshly plucked chillies from his field on the outskirts of Prayagraj, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh on November 21, 2021.
AP Photos

Bridging the Gap between Farmers and Consumers: A Sustainable Food Seal


A "sustainable food seal" is critical to move consumer markets on sustainability.

A woman stands in a grocery store examining food options.

Commentary & Analysis

How Chicago could be a key player in the global blue economy

ChicagoGlobal by Jack Benjamin

As the climate crisis grows, the business of water is increasingly important — and the lakefront city of Chicago could be one of its most valuable global leaders.

A person swims in Lake Michigan with the Chicago skyline in the background
Erin Hooley / AP
Global Economy

From stockyards to plant protein, Chicago is a leader in global food innovation

ChicagoGlobal by AJ Caughey

Chicago already has one of the nation’s largest food manufacturing workforces. The city is positioning itself to become the global leader in food innovation and manufacturing.

A person wearing latex gloves handles small sprouts in pots
Anatoliy Gleb
Food and Agriculture


Bridging the Gap: Accelerating Technology Adoption for Sustainable Food Production


Emerging AgTech innovations have the potential to radically improve the sustainability, profitability, and accessibility of US-produced food.

Farmer Chang Chen-kai prunes common salad lettuce growing under banks of LED lights at the ARWIN plant factory in Miaoli, northern Taiwan.
AP Photos
Food and Agriculture

Encouraging Farmer Adoption of Regenerative Agriculture Practices in the United States

Report by Coauthors

Regenerative agriculture can help our food and agricultural systems become more resilient.

A woman and man crouch down in a field of cover crops and examine the plants.
Edwin Remsberg & USDA-SARE
Food and Agriculture


Doug Bereuter 

Distinguished Fellow, Global Food and Agriculture
Council expert Doug Bereuter

Catherine Bertini 

Distinguished Fellow, Global Food and Agriculture
Council expert Catherine Bertini