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Results for:
Joshua Busby

Divisions on US-China Policy: Opinion Leaders and the Public

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Craig Kafura, Dina Smeltz, Joshua Busby, Joshua D. Kertzer, Jonathan Monten, and Jordan Tama analyze recent surveys of foreign policy professionals and the American public on the degree of threat posed by China and how the United States should respond.

A US dollar banknote featuring American founding father Benjamin Franklin and a China's yuan banknote featuring late Chinese chairman Mao Zedong are seen among US and Chinese flags.
Public Opinion

2020 Opinion Leaders Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

We look at where foreign policy professionals and the American public align—and diverge—as Joe Biden takes office.

Candidate Joe Biden speaks in front of an American flag
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

2019 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A 2019 survey confirmed broad support of US intelligence agencies, despite limited transparency and persistent criticism from President Donald Trump.

The entrance to the CIA New Headquarters Building (NHB) of the George Bush Center for Intelligence.
Central Intelligence Agency
Defense and Security

Coming Together or Coming Apart?

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

We examine the attitudes of foreign policy opinion leaders and the public in the Trump Era.

Shadows cast from a crowd of people in front of an American flag.
Public Opinion

2018 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Despite this unprecedented antagonism from President Trump’s administration, most Americans, including Republicans, continued to express confidence in the intelligence community.

US Capitol Building at night Public Opinion

Glasnost for US Intelligence: Will Transparency Lead to Increased Public Trust?

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A University of Texas polling project from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs found Americans consider the work of the intelligence community effective.

American flag, waving in front of a dark blue sky
Public Opinion

2016 Opinion Leader Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The 2016 Opinion Leader Survey showed that, for the most part, there was a bipartisan consensus among US foreign policy opinion leaders on active US engagement with the world, maintaining US alliances around the globe, and the benefits of international trade.

With right hand raised, Donald Trump looks at John Roberts with his back to the camera, as Melania Trump and others watch.
The White House
Public Opinion

2014 Opinion Leaders Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Across party lines, the results of this survey reveal that the US public and leaders largely agree on US foreign policy.

2014 Opinion Leaders Survey Results cover Public Opinion