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Results for:
Global Politics

American Views of Asia and the Future of the US-Japan Alliance

Public Opinion Survey by Michael J. Green

The 2012 Chicago Council Survey on American public opinion and US foreign policy provides important context for thinking about the future of the US-Japan alliance.

Japan flag waving near a body of water with a mountain in the background
Steven Diaz
Public Opinion

American Support for the US-ROK Alliance: Steady As She Goes

Public Opinion Survey by Scott Snyder

2012 Chicago Council Survey data shows American perceptions of South Korea are strongly positive. As Americans shift their priority to Asia, South Korea is poised to continue as an important security and economic partner of the US.

National flags outside of the United Nations. Public Opinion

Americans Shifting Focus to Asia

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

After a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans recognize China’s growing influence and Asia’s importance to the US.

Bridges over Irawadi
Radek Kucharski
Public Opinion

2008 Chicago Council Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The 2008 Chicago Council Survey offers an important benchmark for popular attitudes about foreign policy immediately prior to the triggering of the international financial crisis in the fall of 2008.

American flag
Jon Sailer
Public Opinion

2007 Chicago Council Survey: World Public Opinion

Public Opinion Survey by John E. Rielly

The 2007 Chicago Council Survey broke new ground in international public opinion research to gain understanding and discover commonalities in public opinion around the world.

Shadows cast from a crowd of people in front of an American flag.
Public Opinion

2006 Chicago Council Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The 2006 Chicago Council survey focused on U.S. and international public opinion on the rise of China and India and its implications for the international order and U.S. foreign policy.

The American flag
Samuel Branch
Public Opinion

2005 Chicago Council Democracy Survey

Public Opinion Survey

The 2005 Chicago Council Survey explored public opinion on democracy promotion post-September 11 world as one of the core principles of US foreign policy.

 Shadows cast from a crowd of people in front of an American flag.
Public Opinion

2002 Chicago Council Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The 2002 Chicago Council survey made it clear that 9/11 had a profound impact on the American mood and U.S. relationships with allies and former enemies and nations in which we thought we had little stake were seen in a new light.

City crosswalk busy with pedestrians. Public Opinion