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Global Politics

Balancing Priorities: Immigration, National Security, and Public Safety

Report by Coauthors

The United States needs pragmatic, sensible approaches to immigration that will improve the nation’s security while balancing its role in other key national interests.

People wait in line at the US-Mexico border.

Core Sanders Supporters' Economic Pessimism

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Survey data shows Sanders supporters are concerned about global overreach and that it comes at the expense of the economy and general quality of life.

Bernie Sanders speaking at a podium to a crowd of supporters Public Opinion

Republicans Get behind Trump, but Not All of His Policies

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Although Donald Trump is the clear frontrunner for Republicans, the Chicago Council Survey finds that some key issues are still a challenge for those who supported another candidate.

Donald Trump speaking on stage
Ali Shaker
Public Opinion

On Eve of NATO Summit, Majority of Americans Say Alliance Is Essential

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The 2016 Chicago Council Survey shows 75 percent of Americans support either maintaining or increasing the United States' commitment to NATO.

International flags outside of NATO headquarters
Frode Overland Andersen
Public Opinion

Manipulated Society: Paralyzing the Masses in Post-revolutionary Iran

Report by Saeid Golkar

The Islamic Republic of Iran has promoted despondency and hopelessness to the extent that citizens become paralyzed and incapable of challenging the political status quo.

Aerial view of the Tehran Tower and other buildings in daytime
Kamran Gholami
Global Politics

Captive Society: the Basij Militia and Social Control in Post-Revolutionary Iran

Book by Saeid Golkar

Captive Society surveys the Basij's history, structure, and sociology, as well as its influence on Iranian society, its economy, and its educational system.

A crowd of people at the entrance to a market in Tehran
Julia Maudlin
Global Politics

2014 Opinion Leaders Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Across party lines, the results of this survey reveal that the US public and leaders largely agree on US foreign policy.

2014 Opinion Leaders Survey Results cover Public Opinion

Latinos Resemble Other Americans in Preferences for US Foreign Policy

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This report finds that US Latinos prioritize protecting jobs, favor strong leadership abroad, rank terrorism as a critical threat, and support US military superiority.

City crosswalk busy with pedestrians. Public Opinion

2014  Chicago Council Immigration Survey

Report by Coauthors

A Chicago Council on Global Affairs report which shows bipartisan support among Midwestern business leaders to pass immigration reform.

 View of Chicago skyline from Indiana
Tom Gill
Public Opinion

Americans Reluctant to Trust China But Recognize Opportunity in Building Ties

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

This survey shows Americans still think that the US should work on friendly engagement and strengthening ties with China.

USA and China flags
CDC Global
Global Politics