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Global Politics

Troop Withdrawal Likely to Undermine South Korean Public Support for Alliance with United States

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

New polling reveals that little has changed in terms of South Korean attitudes towards the US-South Korea military alliance.

Sailors wave to children while marching in the annual Jinhae Gunhangje military port festival parade in South Korea, April 5, 2019.
US Navy
Public Opinion

Conflict-Related Sexual Assault—Historic Barriers to International Recognition

Working Paper by Nicole Mattea

This working paper further explains the recent emergence of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) into international discourse and preventative strategies.

A woman in a stands outside the Women's Centre in Balukhali camp March 6, 2018.
UN Women/Allison Joyce
Women and Girls

Bridging the Research Gap: A Toolkit on Inclusive Research and Development Practices

Working Paper by Katelyn Jones

This toolkit presents a list of steps that ensure the entire research and development process uses equity, diversity, and inclusion as guiding principles at every stage.

A woman in all black stands next to servers, behind glass, holding a laptop computer Global Politics

Americans Feel Less Safe after Killing of Soleimani

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Results of a Chicago Council Survey find that more Americans think the January 3 drone strike that killed Iranian Quds Force Commander Quasem Soleimani has made the United States less safe.

Blackhawk helicopter taking off from an operating base.
Public Opinion

Majority of Americans Oppose Expanding US-Mexico Border Wall

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A survey shows more Americans now oppose expanding the US-Mexico border wall since last asked in 2016.

US-Mexico border crossing.
Simon Foot
Public Opinion

Arguing About Alliances

Book by Paul Poast

Nonresident Fellow Paul Poast outlines the art of military-pact alliance negotiations in his latest book.

Above shot of book Arguing About Alliances (photo by paul poast). US Foreign Policy

Cooperation and Hedging: Comparing US and South Korean Views of China

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Chicago Council and Asan Institute surveys conducted in 2019 find that both South Koreans and Americans see a strengthened US-ROK alliance as an asset in dealing with China, suggesting that Washington and Seoul can afford to strengthen coordination between their policies toward China.​

National flags outside of the United Nations. Public Opinion

Do Liberal and Moderate Democrats Divide on US Foreign Policy?

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This public opinion survey indicates that there are key differences between moderate and liberal democrats.

Shadows cast from a crowd of people in front of an American flag.
Public Opinion

Record Number of Americans Say International Trade Is Good for the US Economy

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This survey finds that though Republicans and Democrats differ on whether President Trump’s strategy is an effective approach to trade policy, the American public is more likely than ever to say that international trade benefits the US.

Flags outside of NATO Headquarters
Public Opinion

Americans Divided over US Military Forces in Germany

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

The American public sees the US-German relationship as good for US national security but is divided over military forces in Germany.

Blackhawk helicopter taking off from an operating base.
Defense and Security