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Global Cities

Cities around the world charge to drive in certain downtown areas. Could Chicago follow?

ChicagoGlobal by Nicole L. Cvetnic

Hailed as a way to reduce traffic and pollution and to improve city transit systems, cordon pricing exists in several cities around the world. Could it work in Chicago?

Traffic on I-90 with a Metra commuter train crossing overhead
AP Photos
Global Cities

How pedestrian malls are revitalizing downtowns around the world — and helping Chicago's Loop (again)

ChicagoGlobal by Isaiah Reynolds

The decline of Chicago's central business corridor has made the future of downtown foot traffic and storefronts uncertain. Following models from international peers, Chicago may find that reinvesting in pedestrian malls is an effective path for urban revitalization.

People dancing at Sundays on State
Chicago Loop Alliance
Global Cities

Chicago's Kyrgyz community is growing, and so is its economic impact

ChicagoGlobal by AJ Caughey

The Kyrgyz community in Chicagoland is small, but its economic footprint is expanding. New Kyrgyz businesses in the service industry, logistics, and shipping are bridging Illinois and Central Asia.

Kyrgyz flags waving in the sky
AP Photos
Global Cities

Opinion: What the Great Migration can teach us about the coming mass migration to Chicago

ChicagoGlobal by Coauthors

Americans fleeing climate-change driven droughts, fires and floods will exceed the Great Migration. Better policies will produce a stronger and healthier city.

A strong wave hits along the shore of Lake Michigan
Joseph Two
Global Cities

Beyond Michael Jordan: Translating Chicago for international businesses

ChicagoGlobal by AJ Caughey

How would you explain Chicago’s business culture to folks who have never been to the U.S.? Here’s how one expert does it.

Siemens headquarters in Munich, Germany
AP Photos
Global Cities

Second City's NYC foray underscores the power of one of Chicago's key exports: comedy

ChicagoGlobal by Ally Marotti

Exporting comedy, though, is not without its risks.

Clockwise from top left: Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele, Bill Murray, John Belushi, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert and Chris Farley
Wikimedia Commons
Global Cities

China's Path to Power Runs Through the World's Cities

In the News
Foreign Affairs
Simon Curtis

China's Belt and Road Initiative serves as a sweeping urbanization project that aims to draw the world closer to Chinese markets and political influence.

Third Belt and Road Forum
AP Photos
Global Cities

Composting and food waste: What Chicago can learn from other global cities

ChicagoGlobal by Coauthors

Chicago recently launched a citywide composting initiative to divert food waste from landfills and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions — something other global cities have been tackling for years.

Four green scrap drop off bins sit in front of a brick wall
City of Chicago
Climate and the Environment

How to Change the World: Why Quick Fixes Fail and What to Do

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Ever wondered why quick fixes often lead to dead ends? On Deep Dish, we dive into 'The Slow Lane' with social change expert Sascha Haselmayer.

Road arrows for to help direct decisions
Global Cities

Dry Humor: Aquathoritarian Cities Pretend to be Water Smart

In the News
Water Alternatives
Kris Hartley

When applied to water management systems, smart city solutions only reinforce existing processes while making transformative change seem unnecessary.

Water treatment plant. Global Cities