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Special Edition: COVID-19 Lessons from Europe

The New York Times' Steven Erlanger reports from Brussels on what European nations are learning from the COVID-19 devastation in Italy and Spain.
Masked tourists take a photo in front of the Eiffel Tower Play Podcast

On this special edition Deep Dish episode, The New York Times' Steven Erlanger reports from Brussels on what European nations are learning from the COVID-19 devastation in Italy and Spain.

About the Speakers
Brian Hanson
Former Vice President, Studies
Brian Hanson headshot
Brian Hanson served as the vice president of studies at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. He managed the Council's research operations and hosted the Council's weekly podcast, Deep Dish on Global Affairs.
Brian Hanson headshot
Chief Diplomatic Correspondent in Europe, The New York Times
Headshot for Steven Erlanger. Wikimedia Commons.
Based out of Brussels, Belgium Steven Erlanger is the Chief Diplomatic Correspondent in Europe for The New York Times. He's been reporting for the Times since 1987.
Headshot for Steven Erlanger. Wikimedia Commons.