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Holiday Shopping Woes? Look Beyond COVID-19 to Trade Politics

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

The pandemic, supply chains, and inflation hit this holiday shopping season. Are trade politics to blame? The Economist's Soumaya Keynes joins Deep Dish to discuss.

shopping carts
Global Economy

Belarus Weaponizes Migrants to Target European Union

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Does President Lukashenka's decision to let migrants back over the border into Belarus mean the crisis is over?

migrants in belarus

Shocks, Shortages, and Solutions in the Green Energy Era

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Can the world actually move away from fossil fuels?

Wind energy in the US
Tech and Science

Climate Change—The Biggest US Security Threat?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

While framing climate change as a national security threat isn’t new, recent reports argue when it comes to security planning, climate is the central concern, not a peripheral issue.

Icebergs melt near Greenland
Climate and the Environment

Inside China's Nuclear Strategy

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

What's driving China's rapid nuclear triad expansion? Nuclear expert Tong Zhao joins Deep Dish to explain.

China hypersonic weapons
Defense and Security

Domestic Terrorism and the Aftermath of War

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

How can we stop the rise of domestic terrorism in the United States? Kathleen Belew and Robert Pape look at modern history and politics for answers.

Global Politics

The Debate on US Taiwan Policy

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Does an increasingly aggressive China mean the United States should maintain its posture of strategic ambiguity or adopt strategic clarity?

Ships in the Taiwan Strait
US Foreign Policy

What Do Americans Want from Biden's Foreign Policy?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

After ten months of Biden in office, new public opinion data show Americans support most, but not all, of his foreign policy strategy.

Biden's foreign policy team
Public Opinion

Will German Elections Set a New Direction after Merkel?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Germans went to the polls this week to decide who will replace Angela Merkel. The surprising results could mean the first three party coalition government in Germany's history.

germany SPD candidate
Global Politics

What Trudeau's Win Means for Canadian Foreign Policy

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

After weeks of fierce campaigning, not much changed after Canada's snap election. What can the Trudeau government accomplish in a third term when it comes to foreign policy?

Trudeau election win in Canada
Global Politics